THTX “The Flickering Sky” CD

The artwork screams volatility. The album title is equally colourful. Fluid. A constant state of flux. The music lies within those uncharted regions. Yet in a heartbeat, it smells like home. The landscape is lush. Expansive. Untamed. On the horizon, clouds dance, blend and swirl. Breathe in and marvel. The percussive “Mu-tron” disperses the timeline. The guitar leads and distorts shapes this way and that. The trumpets and organs of “Osidias” beckon. There is no path. Only sensory stimulation. Intensifying. “Ultraviolet Twilight” and “Infiltrating Light” strike from left and right. The former is gentle, rhythmic and laden with effects. The latter opens with the same eastern flavour before morphing into a wilder wah-wah solo frenzy. Synths encircle the mind , coiling tighter and tighter, until eyes bulge. At the point of popping, “Collective Mind Anarchy” propels all and sundry deep into outer space.. Succumbing to the smooth trajectory, a trance sets in. The bass throbs through the steady battery. The guitar paints all manner of pictures. New colours form. Luminescent. Retinas burn. Burn and cool. Now awake and embrace the rocking swagger of “Zenta Childe” and “Son of Mu-tron”… Have we been here before?

When “Darkness” comes, it distracts and disjoints. It feels other. Too linear. Bring back the light! The belated slight return of “Zenta Childe” repairs some of the damage. “Once Before in the Future” soothes and “Shadow at the Gates of Nothingness” borders on unsettling. Intriguing as there are, it is not enough. The ecstasy has evaporated and a yearning for what once was sets in. If only…

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